feature to use especially for users who don’t have the fax number list time to find content to share with their audience. Try Missinglettr Free Exploring Missinglettr Missinglettr has a simple and clean interface that makes it so accessible for bloggers or entrepreneurs who haven’t used a platform like it before. Missinglettr dashboard After you connect your social networks to Missinglettr, you’ll find an overview of your performance in the last couple of days. Overview of performance You’ll find a more detailed breakdown when you head to the Analytics section. There’s also a small section that shows your posting health which includes figures like your post type ratio, average posting frequency, and the number of posts in the queue. Posting health
The rest of the dashboard area will give you more information fax number list about your campaign. You’ll find curated post suggestions and social media posts that are due to go live in the following days. Missinglettr sidebar You can access the rest of the features by hovering over the sidebar. This is where you’ll find links going to Campaigns, Curate, Calendar, Analytics, and Settings. Hover by sidebar for features You’ll also find links to Missinglettr’s social media pages. Missinglettr campaigns The Campaigns section splits all of your content into three columns: Drafts, Active, and Completed. From here you can add a new campaign by clicking Create Campaign. You’ll be asked to enter a URL where you want Missinglettr to generate the
blog post. Next, Missinglettr will ask you a series of questions fax number list that verifies the information it pulled from the URL. You’re also provided options on how you’d like to proceed (automatic or manual scheduling). Create a new drip campaign with Missinglettr All posts that are not ready for posting will fall under Drafts. Clicking on an individual post will bring out more options. You’ll be able to select which hashtags to use, the media content that you want to include, and select quotes from the blog post. Posts not ready fall under drafts Missinglettr calendar The Calendar allows you to see all of the content you have lined up for publishing. Since Missinglettr shows you all entries at once, you can use the filter options to help you find the